La reivindicació del jo autorial femeníles escriptores catalanes dels setanta

  1. Francés Díez, Maria Àngels
Catalan Review: international journal of Catalan culture

ISSN: 0213-5949

Año de publicación: 2008

Número: 22

Páginas: 239-252

Tipo: Artículo


Otras publicaciones en: Catalan Review: international journal of Catalan culture

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The claim of a feminine authority is crucial to understand the feminist literary renaissance in Catalan literature of the seventies. Women writers' research of their literary mothers is at the very genesis of their work. They also find the strength to write within their consciousness of belonging to an oppressed nation and the feeling of being doubly silenced, as women and as Catalans. The concepts of revolt, revenge and fury are interwoven in the texts of Montserrat Roig and Maria Mercè Marçal, who write to define themselves in a world that imposes a foreign identity upon them. Marçal uses the images of the dragon and the Furies against that of Atenea, the woman who obeys the law of the Father; Roig uses the image of the one-eyed look to explain the divergence between the inner voice and the one that blows up free, outside, and invades the public space. The anxiety to review themselves, therefore, to find a voice of their own is the reason for them to write. This feminine authorship is a risky path, full of internal and external obstacles which, nevertheless, they achieved to overcome: their names are now a reference for writers who, like them, started to write in the seventies as well as for the new generations. They have become literary mothers, feminine authority.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • BROCH, Àlex. Literatura catalana dels anys setanta. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1980.
  • BROCH, Àlex. <CEls narradors de la generació dels setanta". La generació dels setanta: 25 anys. Quaderns divulgatius 6. Barcelona: AELC, 1996.
  • BARTHES, Roland. "The Death of the Author". Image, Music, Text. Ed. i trad. Stephen Heath. London: Virago, 1977.
  • CHARLON, Anne. La condició de la dona en la narrativa femenina (I93<r I983). Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1990.
  • MARÇAL, Maria Mercè. Sota el signe del drac. Proses I985-I997- A cura de Mercè Ibarz. Barcelona: Proa, 2004.
  • MILLER, Nancy. Subject to Change: Reading Feminist Writing. New York: Columbia University Pres s, 1988.
  • MURARO, Luisa. "Sobre la autoridad femenina." Filosofía y género. Identidades femeninas. Ed. Fina Birulés. Pamplona: Pamiela, 1992. 51-64.
  • SHOWALTER, Elaine. "Towards a feminist poetics." Women Writing and Writing about Women. Ed. Mary Jacobus. Londres: Croom Helm, 1979. 22-41.
  • SHOWALTER, Elaine. ed. "Feminist criticism in the wilderness". The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature and Theory. Londres: Virago, 1986. 125-143.
  • ROIG, Montserrat. Digues que m'estimes encara que sigui mentida. Barcelona: Edicions 62, I991.