El turismoglobalización, competitividad y sostenibilidad

  1. Pedreño Muñoz, Andrés
  2. Ramón Rodríguez, Ana
Mediterráneo económico
  1. Velarde Fuertes, Juan (coord.)

ISSN: 1698-3726

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakien izenburua: El futuro de la economía española

Zenbakia: 16

Orrialdeak: 227-256

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Mediterráneo económico


The new scenario of globalized economy connected to structural transformations arisen especially from the incorporation of technology to tourism promotion and marketing, is forcing to rethink the traditional tourism development in Spain. The maturity of the Spanish tourism system and the international leadership of its best product have to give support to convert the threats and existing challenges in new opportunities for the future and reduce the high price elasticity of demand. The Spanish tourism system of XXI century has to be the world leader, not just in terms of tourist arrivals, but also in on line promotion and marketing of its products and destinations, in preservation and valuing of environmental elements that sustain the model and in strengthen exporting its tourism know-how and tourism technology into a international context through its position in the emerging tourism destinations. In conclusion, we could hold that the challenge of Spanish tourism for the next decades is to face up to a progressive restructuring towards a knowledge sector by including significant innovations and making use of the new technologies