Apoyo social online e identificación con el gruposu influencia sobre las quejas de salud y la satisfación vital

  1. Topa Cantisano, Gabriela
  2. Morales Díaz, Juan Antonio
  3. Moriano León, Juan Antonio
  4. Beléndez Vázquez, Marina
Acción psicológica

ISSN: 1578-908X

Année de publication: 2010

Titre de la publication: Psicología e internet

Volumen: 7

Número: 1

Pages: 53-64

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Acción psicológica


The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between both online social support and group identification with health complaints and life satisfaction. Participants were 500 adult exam applicants for Secondary and Primary Education professor positions, who participate in a specific forum on the Web. A mediation model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling analysis. Our data showed that online social support partially mediates the effects of emotional exhaustion on health complaints and life satisfaction. At the same time, effects of group identification are totally mediated by online social support. Finally, results and avenues for future research are discussed.

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