Detección de expresiones temporales TimeML en Catalán mediante roles semánticos y redes semánticas

  1. Llorens Martínez, Héctor
  2. Navarro Colorado, Borja
  3. Saquete Boró, Estela
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 43

Pages: 13-21

Type: Article

More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural


Nowadays, representation and processing of temporal information in natural language is receiving a great research interest. The main annotation scheme for representing temporal information is TimeML, which has been adopted as standard by a large number of researchers. However, available TimeML resources are very limited, specially in languages other than English. In this work we analyze the usage of semantic networks and semantic roles from a multilingual perspective for the automatic detection of temporal expressions following TimeML specifications. This approach has been evaluated for Catalan obtaining an 83.7% strict Fβ=1, and compared to its results for English and Spanish confirming that it can be successfully applied in different languages.

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