La integración vertical de los negocios de gas y electricidadposibles efectos sobre la competencia en los mercados afectados
ISSN: 0422-2784
Argitalpen urtea: 2007
Zenbakien izenburua: Ajustes regulatorios en el sector eléctrico español
Zenbakia: 364
Orrialdeak: 125-137
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Economía industrial
During the last years, an increasing number of gas and electricity companies have integrated their activities in both sectors. Following this trend, several Mergers and Acquisitions between gas and electricity companies have emerged, and some of them have been cross-borders operations that have given rise to multinational enterprises. This paper analyses the causes of the integration of gas and electricity activities, and examines its implications on regulation and competition policy, showing that these changes in the energy industry raise new challenges and compel to adopt new measures in that field of the economic policy.