Algunas citas de interés para la flora valenciana (Norte de Alicante)

  1. Ríos Ruiz, Segundo
  2. Martínez Flores, Fernando
  3. Martínez-Francés, Vanessa
  4. Moity, Nicolás
Flora Montiberica

ISSN: 1988-799X 1138-5952

Année de publication: 2007

Número: 37

Pages: 39-42

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Flora Montiberica


Some results of a floristics records carried out in the Biological Station of Torretes-Font Roja are shown up here. This Research Center is in the environs of the Natural Park of the Carrascar Font Roja (Ibi-Alcoy, Alicante). Of those more than 200 classified taxons are specially remarkable, by their peculiarity in the Valencian Community three of them. The first one is Linaria repens (L.) Mill. subsp. blanca (Pau) Rivas Godoy & Borja, whose presence in the province of Alicante is limited to some few appointments in the next Mountains of Castalla and of Maigmó. Another one, Gypsophila pilosa Hudson, a very rare archaeophyte related to the traditional cultures of cereal and the rising fallows, whose no recent appointments in the area. And, the last one Prunus acida C. Koch, shrubs specie of origin in western Asia, used as traditional rootstocks of the cherry tree, and that at the present time it appears sometimes naturalized in slopes and left orchards. It had been detected in the Segura Basin, but it is the first reference inside the Valencian Community