All-pay auction equilibria in contests

  1. Alcalde Pérez, José
  2. Dahm, Matthias
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Argitalpen urtea: 2007

Zenbakia: 27

Mota: Laneko dokumentua


We analyze (non-deterministic) contests with anonymous contest success functions. There is no restriction on the number of contestants or on their valuations for the prize. We provide intuitive and easily verifiable conditions for the existence of an equilibrium with properties similar to the one of the (deterministic) all-pay auction. Since these conditions are fulfilled for a wide array of situations, the predictions of this equilibrium are very robust to the specific details of the contest. An application of this result contributes to fill a gap in the analysis of the popular Tullock rent- seeking game because it characterizes properties of an equilibrium for increasing returns to scale larger than two, for any number of contestants and in contests with or without a common value.