Las fórmulas rutinarias como unidades fraseológicas
ISSN: 0212-7636, 2171-6692
Argitalpen urtea: 2007
Zenbakia: 21
Orrialdeak: 9-20
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante
This article presents an analysis of one of the most controversial phraseological phenomenon, conversational routines. Despite the advances in the characterization of these units in the late fifty years, there is still a great variety of criteria which complicates the study of the mentioned units. Thus, it is necessary to set the main features of phraseological units as well as the field to which it belongs. I propose some characteristics in order to delimit the concept under study and also to differentiate it from other phraseological units.