El género Cheilosia meigen, 1822, en la Cordillera Cantábrica (Diptera, Syrphidae)

  1. Marcos García, M. Ángeles
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos

ISSN: 1130-6203 1988-6624

Year of publication: 1990

Issue: 12

Pages: 113-137

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/MDTRRA1990.12.09 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos


A total of 42 species of the genus Cheilosia is studied, of which three: Cheilosia faucis Becker, Cheilosia gagatea Loew and Cheilosia ahenea Von Roser are novel in the Iberian entomofauna. The presence in the Iberian entomofauna of Cheilosia latifacies is confirmed and further contributions are offered to knowledge about the geographical distribution of this genus, many of them cited until now at a single site in Spain. The plant species on which the captures were made are described, together with the height above sea level and the phytogeographical sectors in which these species are mainly captured within the Orocantabrica phytogeographic province. The male genital structure of Cheilosia faucis is represented for the first time.

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