Balances de nutrientes en pequeñas cuencas de encinar. IIquimismo de la precipitación y aportes de origen atmosférico

  1. Bellot Abad, Juan
  2. Escarré Esteve, Antoni
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos

ISSN: 1130-6203 1988-6624

Ano de publicación: 1988

Número: 10

Páxinas: 63-85

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14198/MDTRRA1988.10.06 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Outras publicacións en: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos


The chemical characteristics of rain water and the amount nutrients received from the atmosphere were estudied for three years in an evergrenn-oak forest (Quercus ilex ssp.ilex) in the Prades mountains (Tarragona, Spain). Statistical treatment of data makes possible to confirm the lack of significative differences between the rainfall chemistry in two altitudes: 700 and 950 m. o.s.l. The precipitation is moderately acid (pH = 4.96) and the most importants ions in rainfall are SO24- and Ca2+, which represent 23.6 and 18.4% of total. Both ions reflect the importance of continental dust in the dry deposition at Prades. The marine influence is indicated by high proportions of Cl- and Na2+. In Prades more than 95% of them have this source. The monitoring of series of continuos rainfalls seems to reflect that the neutralization capacity of the "washout" is limited in this region. In 84% of the studied series two or three events are sufficient to reduce the initial pH level to the acidity theoretically characteristic of the "rainout". The annual input of SO24- (20 kg/ha) is more than twice as much as the input of other (Cl-, NO3-, Ca2+, ...). The nitrogen input was evaluated in 5 kg/ha/yr and probably represents less than 20% of annual acumulation in plants.

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