Prevalencia de la conducta agresiva, conducta prosocial y ansiedad social en una muestra de adolescentes españolesun estudio comparativo

  1. Inglés Saura, Cándido J.
  2. Martínez Monteagudo, Mari Carmen
  3. Delgado Domenech, Beatriz
  4. Torregrosa Díez, María Soledad
  5. Redondo Pacheco, Jesús
  6. Benavides Gil, Gemma
  7. García Fernández, José Manuel
  8. García-López, Luís J.
Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje

ISSN: 0210-3702 1578-4126

Datum der Publikation: 2008

Ausgabe: 31

Nummer: 4

Seiten: 449-462

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.1174/021037008786140968 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Andere Publikationen in: Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


This study analysed the prevalence of social anxiety, prosocial behaviour, and aggressive behaviour in a sample of 2,022 high school students with ages between 12 and 16 years. The students were randomly selected from 20 urban and rural schools in the counties of Alicante and Murcia, Spain. Social anxiety was measured with the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, whereas prosocial behaviour and aggressive behaviour were measured with the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills. The results revealed that the percentage of prosocial (17.35%) and aggressive (16.12%) students was significantly higher than the percentage of students with social anxiety (12.06%). Furthermore, the percentage of aggressive boys (22.16%) was significantly higher than the percentage of prosocial (5.61%) and socially anxious boys (8.80%). However, the percentage of prosocial girls (29.62%) was significantly higher than the percentage of aggressive (5.96%) and socially anxious (15.47%) girls. Finally, over the years, there is a shift in the frequency of interpersonal styles, aggressiveness is more prevalent in Grade 8 and prosocial behaviour more frequent in Grades 9 and 10.