Cartografía corológica mediante el uso de GPS de especies vegetales endémicas, raras o amenazadas en el sector oriental de Aitana (Alacant)

  1. Marco Molina, Juan Antonio
  2. Padilla Blanco, Ascensión
  3. Sánchez Pardo, Angel
Serie Geográfica

ISSN: 1136-5277

Année de publication: 2006

Titre de la publication: Biogeografía: distribuciones, dinámicas y diversidad

Número: 13

Pages: 11-24

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Serie Geográfica


This research shows a methodology to elaborate chorology cartography of Genista longipes Pau, Vella spinosa Boiss. and Erinacea anthyllis Link, vegetation in top of mountain. The first two matorraare catalogued as endemic, rare or threatened. The beginning of this work has been the collect data with GPS. This information has been corrected and integrated on a GIS. The studied area is the oriental sector of Aitana (Alacant). Also, the chorology of some supramediterranean species is showed.