El Tirant lo Blanch i les seues traducccions anteriors al segle XIX:Aspectes de recepció i de traducció

  1. Martines Peres, Vicent
Caplletra: revista internacional de filología

ISSN: 0214-8188

Any de publicació: 1997

Títol de l'exemplar: Tirant lo Blanc : temes i problemes de recepció i de traducció literàries

Número: 23

Pàgines: 91-118

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Caplletra: revista internacional de filología


On the basis of the premise that every translation is a recreation to a great extent, the author studies the translations of Tirant lo Blanch into Castilian, Italian and French made before the XIXth century. By means of the comparison of texts and the analysis of quotations, notations and, in general, all the difficulties found in the different manuscripts where these translations are kept, Vicent Martines elaborates a history of the reception by these three cultures of the Valencian novel. Through this history we can find out that Tirant lo Blanch was not very different from a chivalresque book of this period (as regards the typographic solutions, the format and the publishers' and translators' remarks) and that it was interpreted as a real chivalresque manual.