Patent licensing by means of an auctioninternal vs. external patentee

  1. Sandonís Díez, Joel
  2. Faulí Oller, Ramon
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Année de publication: 2007

Número: 9

Type: Working Paper


An independent research laboratory owns a patented process innovation that can be licensed by means of an auction to two Cournot duopolists producing differentiated goods. For large innovations and close enough substitute goods the patentee auctions o¿ only one license, preventing the full diffusion of the innovation. For this range of parameters, however, if the laboratory merged with one of the firms in the industry, full technology diffusion would be implemented as the merged entity would always license the innovation to the rival firm. This explains that, in this context, a vertical merger is both profitable and welfare improving.