Fixed agenda social choice correspondences

  1. Peris Ferrando, Josep E.
  2. Sánchez, Mª Carmen
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Argitalpen urtea: 1998

Zenbakia: 5

Mota: Laneko dokumentua


In this paper we analyze the explicit representation of fixed agenda social choice correspondence under different rationality assumptions (independence, neutrality, monotonicity, ...). It is well know in the literature that, under some of theses assumptions, the existence of dictators, oligarchies or individuals with veto power can be proven ([7] and [10]); but no information about the social choice set is obtained. We now establish a relationship between the social choice set and the individual maximal sets which explicitly describes a fixed agenda social choice correspondence that satisfies theses rationality assumptions. Some of the results in [2] about the explicit representation of social decision functions are then translated and reinterpreted in the fixed agenda framework.