Rasgos morfológicos e icnológicos de la superficie erosiva del límite Messiniense-Plioceno (Sierra del Colmenar, Alicante). Relación con la crisis de salinidad del Mediterráneo

  1. Caracuel, Jesús E.
  2. Corbí Sevila, Hugo
  3. Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel
  4. Yébenes Simón, Alfonso

ISSN: 0213-683X

Año de publicación: 2004

Número: 37

Páginas: 187-190

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geogaceta


The Messinian/Pliocene boundary in the Sierra del Colmenar (Alicante) is represented by an erosional surface called the end-Messinian unconformity. This erosional surface cuts the coastal and lagoonal deposits of the late Messinian (Terminal Complex) as a result of the sea-level fall related to the salinity crisis in the centre of the Mediterranean. The beginning of the subsequent transgresion during the lower Pliocene is registered by an erosive surface that carved the underlying Messinian deposits. This surface morphology and trace fossil colonization is controlled by the substrate characteristics. Thus, onto consistent calcareous substrates it is developed coastal palaeocliffs colonized by Trypanites icnofacies, meanwhile on the marly substrates there is no abrupt palaeocliffs with icnofacies of Skolithos colonization. The enhancing Pliocene reflooding was recorded by the sedimentation of coastal and shallow marine deposits over the erosive surface.