Der Umlauf der spanischen Handschriften aus dem Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohns in Paris und Berlin
ISSN: 0211-3538
Argitalpen urtea: 2004
Zenbakia: 59
Orrialdeak: 191-210
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuario musical: Revista de musicología del CSIC
Onu of Ibe anílque libraries molí rupreseníalive ot Ibe sucoad half of Ibe t9~ ceníury was Ibal of Leo Llepmannssohn, wííh branches lo Paris aud Berlin. lIs importauce grew ayer lime dae so lís aiscílons of many malsuscripls by 1. 5. Bach, Handel, Mocarí, Beethoven aud albur composers, a fact Ibal esplalos how Ibe aníbor came across it durlng bis invesílgatían lato Ibe referred manuscripís. The abjecl of Ibis invesílgalion isa collecílon of more Ihan 300 folders sIsal can be consulíed lo Ihe Muslc Deparímeul la Ibe Síaatsbibllotbek Freuliseher Kulturbesiíc la Berlin. Tbe folders conlain Ihe annaul catalogues from Ibe assllque library of Liepmannssabn (Berlin) comprising Iba years 1866 so 1923. Each calalogne consisís ata lisí of alt Ibe sales from Ibe correspondlng year lo alpbabeílcal arder and coníalsís, busides manuscripís, llíerasure, musical trealises aná Ibe poríralís of several composers. Ibere are many Spanisb manuscripís incladed sí Ibese casalogaes wbase distribulion was so imporsalsí thaI la 1900 Llepmannssabu publisbed un exclusive caíalogue for Spanisls aud Forsaguese manuscripís, 291 of whicb Ibe librarían bad sald durlng Ibas year. Durlng Ibe celebraslon of Ihose aucílasís maoy documenís, mísílcal treasises and mansíscripís, botb known aud unkoown, were broughí lo llgbí. The lovesílgalion carried aul contribules so aur knowledge abaul Ibe works of dlfferení Spanlsb compasers from Ibe 16' so Ibe 19' cuníarles aud tísuir disíribation abroad, especlally la Berlin.