Sovereign risk, fdi spillovers, and economic growth

  1. Maliar, Serguei
  2. Pérez Sebastián, Fidel
  3. Maliar, Lilia
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Datum der Publikation: 2005

Nummer: 27

Art: Arbeitsdokument


This paper studies the effect of sovereign risk on capital flows from rich to poor nations in the context of a two-country model where Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) creates positive externalities in domestic production. We show that if externalities are large, a developing country never expropriates foreign assets, and behaves as under perfect enforcement of foreigners' property rights, jumping to the steady state in one period. If externalities are absent, a developing country always expropriates foreign assets and, then, there are no capital flows in equilibrium, as occurs in autarky. If externalities are of a medium size, our model can account for scarce capital flows from rich to poor nations, as well as other key features of the data, such as rising-over-time patterns of foreign capital and FDI in developing countries. In addition, the model offers an economic rationale for the FDI restrictions observed across nations.