De libros y bibliotecasejercicios de reflexión, balance de una investigación

  1. Mateo Ripoll, Verónica
Revista de Historia Moderna

ISSN: 0212-5862 1989-9823

Year of publication: 1999

Issue Title: Epistolarios: correspondencia

Issue: 18

Pages: 247-264

Type: Article

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The book and the library have traditionally provided us with one of the best lines of historical investigation. But whereas the private written collections have been the object of great attention, public or institutional libraries have not enjoyed the same consideration. Therefore the object of this article is to draw attention to the latter through the "Miguel de Orihuela Seminary Library" and after some deliberation to make known the method which we have applied in order to learn about the mass of cultural information hidden on its shelves, concentrating on the description and classification of original volumes produced when printing was in its infancy at about 1600.