Protección y conservación de la flora en la Comunidad Valenciana
ISSN: 0213-4691, 1989-9890
Año de publicación: 2002
Número: 27
Páginas: 107-130
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Investigaciones Geográficas (España)
The weather features, variety of litology, structure of the relief, hidrographic net, humity areas in the Comunidad Valenciana (C.V.) determine a diverse flora. The importance of this diversity not only consists in the sizeable number of taxons but also of the endemisms localized in rocky places, cliffs, arid thicket and uncultivated lands. As all of these areas have a negative valoration, they are easily alterated by human action. The spanish legislation counts with a wide development in the environment protection from the last years of the twenthieth century caused of the entrance in the U.E., where it is included the protected areas and the species. The economic development, more than ever from the seventieth, has been accompanied with an intense occupation of the ground in the C.V., specially by the touristic activity concentrated in the seaboard, which has produced a reduction in the vegetal poblations and increament of the risk of disappearance of rare or endemic flora in the C.V. That's why, it is done a revision of the legislation in this paper that has as assigment the protection of these areas, to observe the lacks and to attract attention in its practice.
Referencias bibliográficas
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