Aplicación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en un estudio de capacidad de acogida del territorio

  1. Ramón Morte, Alfredo
  2. Sánchez Pardo, Angel
Investigaciones Geográficas (España)

ISSN: 0213-4691 1989-9890

Argitalpen urtea: 1992

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 215-225

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.14198/INGEO1992.10.12 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Investigaciones Geográficas (España)


About 25 years ago, a number of geographers conceived a system for storing and organizing spatial information in a computer. This growing Technology has come to be known as Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.). Parallelly advancements in technology, have made possible growth of aplications. This article is an example of ecological research into land use capacity of the triangle formed by Alicante, Elche and Santa Pola cities, in PC ARC/INFO G.I.S.