La enseñanza del tiempo atmosférico y del clima en educación primariacurrículo escolar y propuestas didácticas

  1. Luis C. Martínez‐Fernández 1
  2. Jorge Olcina‐Cantos 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


  2. 2 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global

Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 239-248

Congress: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The climate must be understood as the group of mechanisms and atmospheric processes perceived and lived by human beings –the permanent environment that is produced in a specific place, as it can also be called‐ plus the explanation of its causes –the string, more or less regular, of the types of weather, following with that other definition‐. Its teaching in the initial educative levels doesn't hide certain complexity, as we should bet on an adequate selection of contents and practical activities so as not to turn what is, without a doubt, an interesting and contemporary topic into a memory study based on meaningless teachings. The communication hopes to carry out an analysis and an assessment of the contents of the weather and the climate that appear in the curriculum of the Primary Education of our country (educational period from age 6 to 12 years old), found inside the subject of Social Sciences, in which the first concepts of Geography in school are integrated. At the same time, the communication can be used to review the resources and types of activities that can be used in the classroom as well as lay out some other didactics proposals, for which its design and pedagogic adaptation has counted with the mandatory, if needed, exam by teachers of basic education, with which the learning process can be improved of the aspects linked to the atmospheric weather and the climate within this school Geography.