A bibliometric overview of Translation Studies research in Spanish-speaking countries

  1. Javier Franco
  2. Sara Rovira
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies
  1. Roberto A. Valdeón (coord.)
  2. Africa Vidal (coord.)

Editorial: Routledge Reino Unido

ISBN: 978-1-138-69801-7 978-1-315-52013-1 978-0-367-72903-5

Año de publicación: 2019

Páginas: 454-499

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This chapter attempts to provide an overview of the history and state of the art of research in Translation Studies (TS) in Spanish-speaking countries through an examination of the pertinent bibliography in our discipline, which already comprises no less than 15,000 references in Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque. With this aim in mind, we will focus on central bibliometric issues, including the evolution of TS publications written in languages spoken in Spain, TS journals, publishers and authors in Hispanic America and Spain, the main research hubs in the area, and the thematic distribution of this research as compared with TS as a whole. Since it is more and more frequent to find TS scholars working in the Spanish-speaking area who publish in English, we will also devote a section to an analysis of their production. Thus, apart from the central aim of providing a general bibliometric presentation of TS in Spanish-speaking countries, the other objective of this chapter is to discover whether research in languages spoken in Spain and by authors working in Spain or Hispanic America presents some kind of systematic differences as compared with the rest of publications on the same subject.