Desarrollo de laboratorios híbridos de sistemas industriales para el aprendizaje interactivo de automatización y control

  1. Alberto Torres 1
  2. Carlos A. Jara 1
  3. Jorge Pomares 1
  4. Gabriel J. García 1
  5. José L. Ramón 1
  6. Andrés Úbeda 1
  7. Carolina S. Díaz 2
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


  2. 2 Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza)
XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas. Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019
  1. Jose Luis Calvo Rolle (coord.)
  2. Jose Luis Casteleiro Roca (coord.)
  3. María Isabel Fernández Ibáñez (coord.)
  4. Óscar Fontenla Romero (coord.)
  5. Esteban Jove Pérez (coord.)
  6. Alberto José Leira Rejas (coord.)
  7. José Antonio López Vázquez (coord.)
  8. Vanesa Loureiro Vázquez (coord.)
  9. María Carmen Meizoso López (coord.)
  10. Francisco Javier Pérez Castelo (coord.)
  11. Andrés José Piñón Pazos (coord.)
  12. Héctor Quintián Pardo (coord.)
  13. Juan Manuel Rivas Rodríguez (coord.)
  14. Benigno Rodríguez Gómez (coord.)
  15. Rafael Alejandro Vega Vega (coord.)

Editorial: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-716-9

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 354-359

Congreso: Jornadas de Automática (40. 2019. Ferrol)

Tipo: Achega congreso


This paper describes a new approach of laboratories for industrial systems, specifically, hybrid laboratories, which are a mix of real and virtual laboratories. The hybrid labs proposed have physical control devices in the real part, and simulated components and processes in the virtual part. Through the combination and connection between both parts, it can take advantage provided by both real and virtual laboratory. An architecture for interactive learning in Automation and Control has been developed through the Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EjsS) tool, Modbus communication protocol and a Programming Logic Controller (PLC). The virtual model is simulated by EjsS, the communication and handling of variables is done through the Modbus protocol to exchange the values of the inputs and outputs between the virtual plant and the PLC. To illustrate this architecture, two case studies are presented: the automation of a robotic cell and the control of a tank level. Laboratory practices have been developed following for several courses following some learning objectives.