Estrategias de adaptaci ón a los nuevos tiempos en el olivar valenciano . El caso de la montaña de Alicante

  1. Enrique A. Moltó Mantero
  2. María Hernández Hernández
Treinta años de Política Agraria Común en España: Agricultura y multifuncionalidad en el contexto de la nueva ruralidad
  1. Ruiz Pulpón, Ángel Raúl (coord.)
  2. Serrano de la Cruz Santos-Olmo, Manuel Antonio (coord.)
  3. Plaza Tabasco, Julio (coord.)

Publisher: Óptima

ISBN: 978-84-87087-03-5

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 111-124

Congress: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (18. 2016. Ciudad Real)

Type: Conference paper


The olive grove is the chief crop of the municipalities of the area called “Mountain of Alicante”. Until a few years ago, this crop was the benchmark most widely used to understand the characteristics of farmers in this territory due to its huge implementation as a result of large historical tradition, the high degree of cooperative integration as well as the little production concealment related to the perception of production subsidies. From the data obtained by the Cooperativa Agrícola Católica of Cocentaina, it is analysed the evolution of these subsidies in the past, but also it is made a projection into the future. It allows us to predict what the evolution of agriculture in the Mountain of Alicante will be, if are not adopted measures by administrations in support of small producers gathered into cooperatives.