Hotel industry and tourist districts in Spanish Mediterranean coastline

  1. Bartolomé MARCO-LAJARA
  2. Patrocinio del Carmen ZARAGOZA-SÁEZ
  3. Enrique CLAVER-CORTÉS
  4. Mercedes ÚBEDA-GARCÍA
  5. Francisco GARCÍA-LILLO
Diálogos bilaterales entre investigadores de la Glasgow Caledonian University (Reino Unido) y la Universidad de Alicante (España): Estudios interdisciplinares
  1. García-Medina, Irene (coord.)
  2. Tur-Viñes, Victoria (coord.)

Publisher: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-617-9388-4

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 129-144

Type: Book chapter


This paper studies the tourist districts of the Spanish coastline, analyzing how its characteristics influence the competitiveness of the hotels located inside them. Specifically, the work is divided into three differentiated parts. Firstly, it is analyzed how the degree of business agglomeration in the tourist districts affects the profitability of the hotels, obtaining the conclusion that the relationship between these two variables follows a Ushaped form. Secondly, the study tries to determine whether the concentration of tourism enterprises in a district depends on the existence in the place of knowledge resources coming from institutions. Conclusions obtained in this second part are different depending on the source of knowledge. Finally, the third part analyzes the relationship between the degree of business agglomeration in each district with the propensity of hotel chains to internationalize, as well as with the possibility that foreign chains are located in Spain.