Diseño e implementación de la herramienta para el seguimiento y evaluación de las asignaturas Practicum del Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Alicante

  1. Gabaldón Bravo, Eva María
  2. Sanjuán Quiles, Ángela
  3. Peña Rodríguez, Antonio
  4. Lillo Crespo, Manuel
  5. Perpiñá Galvañ, Juana
  6. Hurtado Sánchez, José Antonio
  7. García Sanjuan, Sofía
Tendencias emergentes en evaluación formativa y compartida: IX Congreso Internacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Docencia Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Universitaria. Celebrado en Santander del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2015
  1. González-Fernández, Natalia (coord.)
  2. Salcines Talledo, Irina (coord.)
  3. García Ruiz, María Elena (coord.)

Editorial: Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria ; Universidad de Cantabria

ISBN: 978-84-8102-761-7

Ano de publicación: 2015

Congreso: Congreso Internacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Docencia Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Universitaria (9. 2015. Santander)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The Practicum is a key element in the acquisition of skills of any university degree, especially in health sciences and nursing, evidenced by the fact that more than 45% involving curriculum of this degree. The objective evaluation of the acquisition of skills in each of the subjects included in the practicum matter has been a challenge for teachers, mainly due to the variability of the environment where the practices are carried out and the large number of agents involved there in. The Practicum Committee of the Nursing Department, begins the design and development of a computerized tool that is currently being used for the entire field practicum. It was intended that the assessment tool consensus emerged reflective of all involved, and therefore focus groups with professionals and managers responsible for teaching and socio-health services were performed. An online application that, as an e-portfolio, allowing an objective evaluation, and to evaluate the qualifications globally or disaggregated competencies are developed. It provides a more flexible management between the Faculty and health centers where students conduct practices and allows the best design and visibility of student own itinerary in practice centers.