La saturación publicitaria en los nuevos entornos digitales¿una cuestión ética?

  1. Castelló-Martínez, Araceli
La ética de la comunicación a comienzos del siglo XXI: (libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Ética de la Comunicación), Facultad de Comunicación 29, 30 y 31 de marzo de 2011
  1. Suárez-Villegas, Juan-Carlos (coord.)

Editorial: Sevilla : Ed. Edufora. Editorial Mad S.L., 2011

ISBN: 978-84-676-5833-0

Any de publicació: 2011

Pàgines: 1128-1138

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


The consolidation of Internet within companies communication and advertising strategies has pointed out the need to self-regulate the online media in different areas. Among all ethical aspects related to online advertising, the present communication delves into growing advertising saturation in the new digital environments, analyzing it as a key issue in ethics of communication, insofar as advertising effectiveness in this new scenarios depends, even more than in other communicative contexts, on creating a collaborative environment and getting users interest.