La buena praxis como elemento definitorio de una profesiónla ética en la publicidad

  1. López Berna, Sonia
  2. Martín Llaguno, Marta
  3. Papí Gálvez, Natalia
La ética de la comunicación a comienzos del siglo XXI: (libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Ética de la Comunicación), Facultad de Comunicación 29, 30 y 31 de marzo de 2011
  1. Suárez-Villegas, Juan-Carlos (coord.)

Editorial: Sevilla : Ed. Edufora. Editorial Mad S.L., 2011

ISBN: 978-84-676-5833-0

Ano de publicación: 2011

Páxinas: 847-856

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


The concept of profession is inseparably linked to good praxis; not in vain, one of its principal defining aspects is the idea of �service to society�. Thus, regulation of a defined field of activity, implying observance of and compliance with the standards articulated in a professional code of conduct, becomes the safeguard of a profession. The aim of this paper is to discuss the current debate surrounding the concept of �profession� versus �occupation�, within the context of sociological theories of professions. Firstly, we explore the concept of profession, examining its essential attributes and then delve into the profession of advertising, reflecting on its distinctive characteristics. Lastly, we discuss the need to promote scientific research into the profession of advertising, and more specifically, the regulation of professional activity, emphasising the importance of the social dimension of any occupation which has acquired the status of profession.