La vid y el vino en JumillaCrisis y configuración de un complejo vitivinícola innovador

  1. Ponce Herrero, Gabino
  2. Ramos Hidalgo, Antonio
Paisaje, cultura territorial y vivencia de la geografía: Libro homenaje al profesor Alfredo Morales Gil
  1. Vera Rebollo, José Fernando (coord.)
  2. Olcina Cantos, Jorge (coord.)
  3. Hernández Hernández, María (coord.)
  4. Morales Gil, Alfredo (hom.)

Editorial: Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant ; Servicio de Publicaciones

ISBN: 978-84-16724-03-1

Ano de publicación: 2016

Páxinas: 653-682

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


Analysis of how the wine-production sector has evolved in Jumilla since 1976 reveals a profound transformation from a region producing high-grade low-cost table wine to an innovative local production system with both horizontal and vertical integration. The major drop in the amount of land used for vine production and the lower amounts of bulk and table-quality wine produced have been compensated for by the development of internal quality and competitiveness strategies in the area’s wine-producing businesses, and by the establishment of an active land organisation that helps boost co-operation networks and collaboration between farmers, businesses and institutions. The change suggests the makings of a region with intelligent land use, albeit with a few rough edges.