Relaciones públicas y desarrollo localla gestión relacional en la promoción de empleo y autoempleo para grupos desfavorecidos en la

  1. Torres Valdés, Rosa María
  2. Campillo Alhama, Concepción
La comunicación pública, secuestrada por el mercado
  1. Mateos Martín, Concha (coord.)
  2. Ardèvol Abreu, Alberto Isaac (coord.)
  3. Toledano Buendía, Samuel (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-939337-5-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 99-100

Congress: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (3. 2011. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


The Local Development process can be understood from a socio-economic approach, sociopolitical, and sociocultural. The first concerns the analysis of the socioeconomic structure and design of plans for Local Economic Development (LED), the s econd to the fundamental elements of citizen participation, governance and empowerment, while the third is identified with the strategies and tactics are developed to stimulate revitalization and local stakeholder participation in development programs and initiatives. Public relations have, in this context, an indisputable social function in order to prevent potential conflicts. This paper presents a relational model for the development of cooperative networks among key players in the problems of employmentand self-employment -applicants, bidders or managers- in the Community of Madrid, which has been applied during the last legislature (2007-2011).