Una descomposición genética para el concepto de recta tangente

  1. Orts Muñoz, Abilio
  2. Llinares Ciscar, Salvador
  3. Boigues Planes, Francisco José
Investigación en Educación Matemática XIX
  1. Fernández Verdú, Ceneida (coord.)
  2. Molina, Marta (coord.)
  3. Planas Raig, Núria (coord.)

Éditorial: Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-9717-385-8

Année de publication: 2015

Pages: 459-467

Congreso: Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática. Simposio (19. 2015. Alicante)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


We present a genetic decomposition of the concept of tangent line view as a hypothetical learning trajectory. To generate this genetic decomposition we performed a historical analysis of the genesis of the concept, analyzed different high school mathematics textbooks, conducted a synthesis of the findings of research on understanding the tangent line, and designed a questionnaire that was completed by high school students in a pilot study. The genetic decomposition generated considers the analytical and geometrical perspectives as a means to promote the thematization of the schema of tangent line.