Public goods .nance and immigration

  1. Iturbe-Ormaetxe Cortajarena, Iñigo
  2. Gabriel Romero, José
XIX Encuentro de Economía Pública: Políticas Públicas para la salida de la crisis

Verlag: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

ISBN: 978-84-695-1574-7

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Seiten: 54

Kongress: Encuentro de Economía Pública (19. 2012. Santiago de Compostela)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


In this paper we present and test a model in which the interaction between community decisions, the political process, and agents. preferences determine the shape of immigration and social (tax-expenditure) policies. Our theoretical analysis shows that when the middle class is decisive, political competition leads to over-provision of the (local) public good and to immigration quotas that result below the social optimal level, which makes natives more tolerant to the arrival of (low-skill) immigrants.