El turismo en la Comunidad Valencianala reinvención de un modelo de sol + playa y mucho más

  1. López Ortiz, Inmaculada
  2. Melgarejo Moreno, Joaquín
La evolución de la industria turística en España e Italia
  1. Barciela López, Carlos (coord.)
  2. Manera Erbina, Carles Pau (coord.)
  3. Molina de Dios, Ramón (coord.)
  4. Di Vittorio, Antonio (coord.)

Publisher: Palma de Mallorca : Publicaciones de l'Institut Balear d'Economia, 2011

ISBN: 978-84-614-8511-6

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 93-136

Congress: Encuentro de Historia Económica (6. 2009. Palma de Mallorca)

Type: Conference paper


The work examines the evolution of tourism in Valencia, with special attention to the development of this activity in the coastal towns of Alicante Province. The study focuses on the model of mass tourism based on the sun and beach product that has brought a boom in residential tourism in recent decades. The paper shows the close relationship between this activity and the environment, which shows the value of the theory of the new geographical economy. The paper demonstrates that massification has put at risk the continuity of the model of sun & beach. Thereafter, efforts will tend to promote sustainable tourism development.