Hipatia de Alejandría, mujer y mitoDe los testimonios griegos a la versión cinematográfica de Amenábar

  1. López Martínez, María Paz
Literatura i espectacle
  1. Alemany Ferrer, Rafael (coord.)
  2. Chico-Rico, Francisco (coord.)

Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant ; Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC)

ISBN: 978-84-608-1239-5

Any de publicació: 2012

Pàgines: 327-338

Congrés: Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Simposio (18. 2010. Alicante)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


Few ones are the names of Greek women with historical prominence that they have come up to us. Together with those of Sappho, Aspasia and few ones more, there appears that of Hypatia of Alexandria, who personifies the defense of the values of the late paganism. About his life, her work at the head of the school of philosophy, his political influence and the circumstances of his death has been written very much, interweaving reality and legend, from the own Antiquity. Thanks to Alejandro Amenábar’s cinematographic version (Ágora, 2009), the figure of Hypatia has acquired recently special projection among the public. In our communication, we propose to study the Hypatia’s image offered by Amenábar, bearing in mind testimonies in ancient Greek as Synesius of Cyrene or Socrates Scholasticus, between others. Likewise, we will analyze the historical setting of the movie, putting it in relation with the reality of the Alexandria of the century IV-V A.D.