Renovación de destinos litorales maduros a partir del patrimonio culturalPlan Costa Blanca Cultura

  1. Navalón García, Rosario
  2. Rico Cánovas, Elisa
Renovación y reestructuración de destinos turísticos en áreas costeras: Marco de análisis, procesos, instrumentos y realidades
  1. Vera Rebollo, José Fernando (coord.)
  2. Rodríguez Sánchez, Isabel (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones = Servei de Publicacions ; Universidad de Valencia = Universitat de València

ISBN: 978-84-370-8863-1

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 323-346

Type: Book chapter


The destination Costa Blanca is characterized by the existence of a wide range of tourist and their privileged position with respect to potential markets demand. Currently, both features are not sufficient to ensure the competitiveness of this space in a very dynamic tourism context in which the diverse elements of attraction and the image of the target can influence the decision of travel for tourists. Therefore, given the need to undertake renewal processes of Costa Blanca that will ensure the competitiveness, the cultural heritage can be one of the arguments most likely to offer from the field of destination planning to design and implement actions aimed at renewal. Thus, the present communication is based on the main results obtained in the Costa Blanca Plan Culture, in order to analyze the degree of use of cultural heritage tourism in the province of Alicante, from a previous diagnosis, propose strategies and actions aimed at design and subsequent management of a cultural nature products. The work methodology was based among other things, the involvement of tourism stakeholders that has led to the selection of priority themes based on issues that exceed the dichotomy between coastal and inland heritage, providing an integrative role of the territory, and the proposal for an innovative management model of destination Costa Blanca.