Una estrategia innovadora en la docencia universitariaLa evaluación formativa

  1. Grau Company, Salvador
  2. Álvarez, J. D.
  3. Tortosa Ybáñez, María Teresa
La práctica educativa en la Sociedad de la Información: Innovación a través de la investigación
  1. Roig Vila, Rosabel (coord.)
  2. Laneve, Cosimo (coord.)

Editorial: Editorial Marfil

ISBN: 978-84-268-1563-7

Ano de publicación: 2011

Páxinas: 175-185

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


The European Higher Education Area creates a series of changes in universities, which revolve around the implementation of new active participatory methodologies. Formative evaluation is one of the cornerstones of these methodological changes, and it is necessary to make the teachers know about it and apply it. We present an innovative project that aims to develop a set of core competencies in the line of European convergence. This project, initiated three years ago, is being incorporated into new degree subjects. It is based on collaborative work and formative evaluation. Throughout its implementation, and thanks to assessment –always present in the project–, we periodically collected information which helped us to gradually introduce the necessary changes to improve learning outcomes, which is the main goal of formative evaluation.