Las universidades en la era numéricanuevas tecnologías, nuevos problemas, nuevas teorías

  1. Martínez Ruiz, María Ángeles
  2. Sauleda Parés, Narciso
Redes de investigación docente en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

Publisher: Editorial Marfil ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 84-268-1266-X 84-268-1265-1

Year of publication: 2006

Volume Title: La construcción colegiada del modelo docente universitario del siglo XXI

Volume: 1

Pages: 5-26

Type: Book chapter


The gradual but intense transition from a print culture to a numeric new media culture carries material effects for education research and the professioral constitution. Singularly, at universities the processes of accountability to categorise profesors and teachers according with the supposed relevance of its research are dramatically affecting their educative action. In taking the decision about what is the mission of a research, research become, nowadays, the first core purpose. Faculty menbers are escholars first and teachers second. The authors urge a critical posture in front of the accountability culture and a new delineation of the educative mission. The asymmetry between research and education at the university demands new efforts to reach for the most ambitious goals to provide a more structured education to undergraduates throught a communal efforts to reform the curriculum. The dream of producing, within each academic discipline, path breaking scholarly work must cohere with the compulsory dream of delineating and building authentic educative environments. The best coalitions of escholars working in self-regulating global multidisciplinary networks and communities must define the central educative purpose of universities and ensure that a renovated professional development warrants teachers with the capacities to create the more appropriate educative environments