Logic, argumentation and interpretationproceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005 = Lógica, argumentación e interpretación
Editorial: Franz Steiner Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-515-08914-2
Año de publicación: 2007
Tipo: Libro
The volume is divided into five sections. In the first chapter entitled aTheory of argumentationo, contributors debate the idea of a rational modification of beliefs as the basis of rational consensus, the G nther-Alexy debate, Opocher's conception of justice which is taken from a descriptive level to an argumentative one, truth in the field of rhetoric and judicial argumentation as well as sincerity as a necessary condition for effectiveness in legal argumentation. Further sections deal with oAnalysis and representation of argumentso, oContextualized judicial argumentso, oNorms and interpretationso and finally a section on oLogico with contributions on the stit theory and logic problems in the formalization and representation of legal knowledge in constructing an expert system.