Marcas y publicidad como nuevas formas de espiritualidaduna industria trascendente
- Gil Soldevilla, Samuel
- José Javier Marzal Felici Director
- José Antonio Palao Errando Co-director
Universidade de defensa: Universitat Jaume I
Fecha de defensa: 01 de marzo de 2018
- Juan Rey Presidente/a
- Lorena López Font Secretaria
- Elvira Antón Carrillo Vogal
Tipo: Tese
This investigation confirm the presence of spiritual dynamics in advertising, which respond to a personal, flexible and multifaceted spirituality, in which an internal mysticism and a relocation of the sacred to the self stand out. This religious functional character of the advertising discourse is exposed to a continuous boiling and renewal devoid of moral core beyond social subjectivities, universal values and, above all, narratives of the self oriented to self-improvement on daily life committed to build its own transcendence («transcendental industry»). The theoretical framework studies the intersection between the sphere of consumerism and religiosity, and provides conceptual, historical and sociological tools to discuss the spiritual dimension of advertising. The analytical block uses the textual analysis together with the critical analysis of the discourse, online surveys of a sample formed by students, and semi-structured interviews to a panel of fifteen experts formed by professionals and academics.