Optimal sharing of surgical costs in the presence of queues

  1. Herrero Blanco, Carmen
  2. González Rodríguez, Paula
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Argitalpen urtea: 2001

Zenbakia: 27

Mota: Laneko dokumentua


We deal with a cost allocation problem arising from sharing a medical service in the presence of queues. We use a standard queuing theory model in a context with several medical procedures, a certain demand of treatment and a maximum average waiting time guarantee set by the government. We show that sharing the use of an operating theatre to treat the patients of the different procedures, leads to a cost reduction. Then, we compute an optimal fee per procedure for the use of the operating theatre, based on the Shapley value. Afterwards, considering the post-operative time, we characterize the conditions under which this cooperation among treatments has a positive impact on the average post-operative costs. Finally, we provide a numerical example constructed on the basis of real data, to highlight the main features of our model.