La cultura visual desde el análisis multidisciplinarSpot de Coca-Cola al limón de Mayumana

  1. Alonso Sanz, Amparo
  2. Romero Naranjo, Francisco Javier
  3. Pons Terrés, Jessica M.
  4. Carretero Martínez, Andrea
  5. Crespo Colomino, Natalia
Fronteras reales, fronteras imaginadas
  1. Bornay Llinares, José A. (coord.)
  2. Romero Naranjo, Francisco Javier (coord.)
  3. Ruiz Antón, Vicente J. (coord.)
  4. Vera Guarinos, Jenaro (coord.)

Éditorial: Letra de Palo

ISBN: 978-84-15794-23-3

Année de publication: 2015

Pages: 116-129

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


This research studies start from the Visual Culture in we draw parallels with the impact of the rhythms, melodies... present on a daily basis in the media and shaping the Musical Culture. The bakers (Las Panaderas) is studied through the influence and interference of a traditional Spanish rhythm used by women during the preparation of bread dough on the creation of an advertisement, namely the spot Coke with lemon. This will make both a visual and musical analysis.