Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los fallos de diseño y ejecución en los proyectos de cubiertas y fachadas y de su incidencia patológica en los edificios de España

Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Manuel Reyes Rodríguez Director
  2. Justo García Sanz-Calcedo Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 20 September 2017

  1. María Paz Sáez Pérez Chair
  2. Juan Manuel Macías Bernal Secretary
  3. Enrique Martínez de Salazar Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 502819 DIALNET


Understanding the deficiencies and failures existing in construction is key to the improvement of buildings in Spain, given that this is one of the sectors with the most problems during the production process and, in addition, with one of the highest degrees of dissatisfaction on the part of users. Facades and roofs are one of the most significant parts of buildings, as they constitute the skin separating them from the outside, needing to simultaneously meet multiple requirements such as stability, waterproofing, etc. The present work defines, quantifies and examines, through the adoption of multi-parameter indicators, the most frequent errors in project, the most common deficiencies during the execution, and the most recurring anomalies during the service life. To this end, this PhD. Thesis has been carried out via the compendium of 5 scientific articles published in journals included in the ‘Web of Science’ (WOS) and indexed in the ‘Journal Citation Reports’ (JCR). The results show than an adequate supervision of project designs’ technical description, as well as a detailed control of the process of setting up on site, can significantly reduce the number of problems which may occur during the service life of the envelope of a building. In cases where these quality controls do not take place, the number of anomalies which may appear will be much higher.