Análisis del último período eruptivo del volcán Tungurahua y el impacto en las actividades humanas en las zonas de incidencia del cantón Penipe provincia del Chimborazo

  1. Hernández Cevallos, Remigio
Supervised by:
  1. Ana Beatriz Mateos Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 14 December 2017

  1. Antonio Pérez Díaz Chair
  2. Ramón García Marín Secretary
  3. Luis Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga Committee member

Type: Thesis


The Tungurahua volcano has historically marked the use and occupation of the territory that surrounds it in periods of volcanic activation, which occur cyclically every 90 years, in these conditions have occurred parallel to the phenomenon, dropouts and returns of the population in this area. The last eruptive period, initiated in 1999, forced the forced evac-uation of the inhabitants, and affected the health and family economy of the inhabitants. The natural process has drastically changed the way of life of the locals, who because they feel limited in their resources have not seen another situation to remain in these places despite the intolerable and devastating situations caused by the volcano. Knowing quantitatively the impacts generated by this long eruptive process, will make it possible to see the realities of the volcanic process itself, the behavior and reaction of the people involved in the event and the state of management from the organisms responsible for risk mitigation. The usefulness of the project is a component, in my opinion, that transcends the conceptual scope and intellectual discernment of existing theories, and space being the place where the activities carried out by the human being, regardless of their origin, are necessary. Analyze the set of criteria, norms and plans that regulate the activities and settlements on the territory in order to achieve an adequate relation between territory, population, activities, services and infrastructures that allow to articulate these elements adequately and reach the sustainable development of the canton.