Denominaciones de origen e impacto en el desarrollo rural en Extremadura

  1. García Romana, Alfredo
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Pérez Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 24 February 2017

  1. Eduardo Alvarado Corrales Chair
  2. Concepción Foronda Robles Secretary
  3. Encarnación Gil Meseguer Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 452294 DIALNET


Big part of the Extremadura food and agriculture products remains protected under quality stamps like lamb, cherry, wine, cheese, oil and other products that demonstrate the soundness of the producing industry, modernization of the territory, quality, traceability, presentation, good prices, cooperativism, technology and innovation of the managerial textile, although the negative common denominator of most of these productions is, the scarce formation in the sector and the difficulty in the management of channels of commercialization of achieving an entire and solid position in the Extremadura points of sale, in the Spanish, European and international markets. Even bearing in mind this negative aspect, it is considered that the food and agriculture industry along with the impact of the tourist industry in Extremadura, and specifically the gastronomic tourism, can be the main locomotive of the Extremadura economy, what reverberates straight in the rural atmosphere from the optics of the employment, the economy, the sustainability, the population increase, the equality of genre, etc. Therefore, it is of supreme importance to know meticulously the Extremadura area and the existence of denominations of origin to affirm that this fact, it favors a quality production for the meat, the oil, the cheese or the called �red gold�, for putting an example. So that along this doctoral thesis it will be a question of evaluating the importance that has the promotion, the value and quality of our products, as well as the impact that it provokes in the main areas of Extremadura and in other geographical areas.