La influencia del transporte en el desarrollo y la ordenación del territorio en ExtremaduraAfección de las vías de gran capacidad a su entorno rural

  1. Romo Berlana, Jorge Juan
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Pérez Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 04 February 2016

  1. Cipriano Juárez Sánchez-Rubio Chair
  2. Luis Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga Secretary
  3. Santiago Hernández Fernández Committee member
  4. Encarnación Gil Meseguer Committee member
  5. Ana Beatriz Mateos Rodríguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 402064 DIALNET


The relationship between land transport, and more specifically road transport through high capacity roads or highways, has been extensively studied since the urban orbit, because they are structured as a network connecting large urban center. These highways will inevitably run through a rural area suffering, from a long period of regression, and can affect the behavior of the different factors that make their own relationships in this rural scene. What are the variables that affect or they depend on? In its case in what order of magnitude? This thesis studies its possible influence on three complementary lines for a comprehensive vision. First: population, demographic, sociodemographic and socioeconomic. Second: spatial planning. Third: environmental conservation.