Estrategias de comunicación online de las empresas portuguesas del sector de la moda

  1. Marcelo, Ana Sofía André Bentes
Supervised by:
  1. Ana Castillo Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 28 May 2014

  1. Marta Martín Llaguno Chair
  2. Concepción María Jiménez Fernández Secretary
  3. Pedro Javier Millán Barroso Committee member
  4. María García García Committee member
  5. Sara Margarida Isidoro Frade de Brito Filipe Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 358938 DIALNET


Management strategy in fashion companies is an issue of particular interest, due to the fact that fashion industry is one of the main areas of wealth creation in the European Union (Borges de Almeida et al, 2011). The challenges faced by companies in the era of globalization, urges us to reflect about the impact and effectiveness of tools like Internet, and in particular on the use of corporate websites, as an asset of brand communication strategy. This study aimed to analyze the current status of the use of corporate websites, and other online communication tools, of Portuguese fashion designers, as a strategic tool for brand communication. Our methodological approach is embodied in a qualitative and quantitative research method. First we proceeded to review the literature on various topics: Brand, Web Communication, Portuguese Fashion, among others. Secondly we privileged quantitative research, developing an empirical study in which we used content analysis technique, for the description and analysis of twenty four Portuguese fashion designers websites. At the end, we presented empirical results, which hold relevant conclusions: the growing concern of Portuguese fashion designers to use the potential of their websites, to customize relations with their stakeholders; the awareness of online platforms 2.0 interactive potential, that encourage users participation; the use of websites as an important tool of brand communication; and last but not least, very restrictive use of websites for promoting e-commerce. Given this reality, we get the conclusion that Portuguese fashion designers begin to delineate more assertive communication strategies, within which emphasize the use of corporate websites as a brand communication tool, although there is a long way to go, with respect to electronic commerce.