Evaluation of fluorogenic selective PACp® as alternative approach for recovering clostridium perfringens in chlorinated water

  1. Araujo, M.
  2. Deza, M.A.
  3. Gómez, M.J.
  4. Catalán, V.
  5. Ortiz, G.
  6. Lucas, F.
  7. Costas, E.
  8. Fernández-Barja, P.
  9. Díaz, M.T.
  10. Sueiro, R.A.
  11. Suárez, S.
  12. Garrido, Mj.
American Water Works Association - Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition 2006: Taking Water Quality to New Heights

ISBN: 9781604237306

Año de publicación: 2006

Páginas: 586-597

Tipo: Aportación congreso