Conservation and management of northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean maerl beds
- Barbera, C.
- Bordehore, C.
- Borg, J.A.
- Glémarec, M.
- Grall, J.
- Hall-Spencer, J.M.
- De La Huz, C.D.
- Lanfranco, E.
- Lastra, M.
- Moore, P.G.
- Mora, J.
- Pita, M.E.
- Ramos-Esplá, A.A.
- Rizzo, M.
- Sánchez-Mata, A.
- Seva, A.
- Schembri, P.J.
- Valle, C.
ISSN: 1052-7613
Year of publication: 2003
Volume: 13
Issue: SUPPL. 1
Type: Conference paper