El botellón y el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas en la juventud

  1. Gómez Fraguela, José Antonio
  2. Fernández Pérez, Nuria
  3. Romero Triñanes, Estrella
  4. Luengo Martín, María Ángeles

ISSN: 0214-9915

Année de publication: 2008

Volumen: 20

Número: 2

Pages: 211-217

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Psicothema


«Botellon» and alcohol and other drug use in youth. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the relationships of involvement in the "botellon" (meetings of youth in public places to drink, chat, etc.) with alcohol/other drug abuse and vandalism in young people. A school survey was performed in centres of Compulsory Secondary School (E.S.O.), high school, professional training and University education in Lugo, NW Spain. The sample (aged 12 to 30) was split into three groups according to alcohol use and botellon involvement; drug abuse, drug-related problems and vandalism were assessed in each group. Results indicate that regular botellon attendants display more problems with alcohol and other drugs, as well as higher involvement in vandalism; this relationship is stronger among young students. The increase in adolescent risk associated with the practice of the botellon is explained by peer group pressure to use drugs and the greater accessibility of alcohol/other drugs in these contexts.

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